The Ask

The Ask

Choose a city, country, or ethnic group to research and create a concept board as a resource for developing a collection of textiles for a specific market. Utilize patterns to create 8 styles for a fall/winter athletic wear collection.

The Process

The Process

When I got this project, I remembered studying ancient Minoan society in my freshman art history class. Their art fascinated me, so I decided to delve deeper into it. That's where I found a lot of inspiration for the patterns and colors in my work.

From the mood board I created, I extracted several motifs found in ancient Minoan art to design these patterns. I maintained a color palette that captured the essence of these inspiring art pieces throughout my patterns. My goal was to develop patterns that reflected my appreciation for this ancient society without crossing the line of appropriation.



My final collection utilized all patterns to create a complete assortment of tops, bottoms, and layers with Nike. I had the opportunity to expand my skill set by working in Adobe Illustrator to develop a line sheet with my design and color application. Working with this new software was challenging and incredibly time-consuming. However, the result was something I was extremely proud of as I was able to push myself to learn something new!


Fashion From the Victorian Era to the 1920s


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